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    skills teacher in teaching english at eleventh grade of SMAN 1 NAGARA, Kandangan, Hulu Sungai Selatan in school year 2009/2010.


    A.    Background
    An  English  teacher  has  some importance  roles when he is teaching and learning English in classroom. The  teacher  is  not   only   transferring the source language  knowledge   but   also   should   be   able  guiding  for   the students, modeling, being actor or actress, facilitator, motivator, and reinforce.
    One of the most important roles above, the reinforce role is the extremely Important to give stimulus the students psychological response in language learning. As what Condace and Sharon (1982) stated “Reinforcement is the most  significant means of increasing desirable behavior”
    (Condance and Sharon, 1982 : 27).
    From the definition above, it can be concluded that a reinforcement from a teacher, could maintain or increase the students in teaching and learning in classroom. In addition, Hull (1943) in “The psychology of learning” said that  “Whatever the fundamental nature of the learning process, or practice in a new Situation as no effect – learning will not occur – unless practice in reinforced”. Then, it can be seen, once again, how important reinforcement in learning process.
    However, based on preliminary studies before in some schools, there are only a few English teachers apply reinforcement in teaching and learning English in classroom. Some of them who do not apply it, confess that they do not    understand what a reinforcement and how to apply it. Not only that, some of them interpret that reinforcement is a reward only, by giving a praise or giving the students bad bahavior in punishment pattern only. No praise at all for the students who do not make mistake.
    In relation, this condition has valuable effect to the student’s psychology in responding the teaching and learning process. If the teacher is found to give negative reinforcement only to the students, thus the students will be not encouraged to increase their attention in teaching and learning process. As a result, the students become unfocused, their motivation is not keep after, because they are afraid to be productive students.
    Based on explanation above, it can be noticed that how important to give reinforcement and how important to apply it systematically to achieve some purposes in teaching and learning of students in classroom by taking the advantages of the application itself.
    As on conclusion, it is needed to conduct a research about what kinds of reinforcement skills teacher do in teaching english at eleventh grade of  SMAN 1 NAGARA, Kandangan, Hulu Sungai Selatan in school year 2009/2010.

    B.     Identification and Formulation of The Problem
    In basic teaching skill, UPPL UNLAM (1983) studded that, there are eight Basic teaching skills, namely :
    a)      The Skill of Basic Questioning
    b)      The Skill of Reinforcement
    c)      The Skill of Variability
    d)     The Skill of Explaining
    e)      The Skill of Introductory Procedure and Closure
    f)       The Skill of Leading discussion in a small group
    g)      The Skill of Class Management
    h)      The Skill of Teaching a small Group and Individual.
    Among the eight skills above, reinforcement is the important skill, because a Teacher motivates his students in language learning this step. As what conduce and Sharon stated in “Strategies For Teaching Students With Learning and Behavior Problems” (1982 : 27) : “Reinforcement is the most significant means of increasing desirable behavior”.
    There are two kinds of reinforcement skill :
    a) Verbal Reinforcement is a teacher’s comments such as some phrases, encouragement, and some other words which are stated by the teacher to reinforce students attitude and performance.
    b) Non Verbal Reinforcement is a teacher‘s comments by using the teacher’s  Body language or sign (not using words) such as giving, smile, nod,  showing two thumbs, clapping, or some times the teacher can do them in one action.

    C.  Objective
    The objective of the research is to describe what kinds of  reinforcement skill teacher do in teaching english at the eleventh grade English Teacher at SMAN1 Nagara.

    D.   Significance
    For students    :     It gives some information for the students about
                      The  teacher’s verbal reinforcement purposes in classroom.
                      Thus, the students are understand about it.
    For Teacher    :       It is expected to give contribution for the English
    Teacher to improve his/her reinforcement skill based on the standard concept of how to  apply it well.             
    For researcher :      The next researcher can use the result of the  research as 
      the references to make the similar research deeper.




    A.    The Nature of reinforcement
       The principle of reinforcement is a psychological concept based on the idea that the consequences of an action will influence future behavior. According to Richard et all (1996). Reinforcement is one forms of feedback. It means that, to encourage students, behavior in learning process in classroom, teacher needs reinforcement to give feedback the students.
           Some other definitions definite reinforcement as follows. Reinforcement is defined that follows an appetitive event whose presentation follows and operant response occurring in the future (http://www.psychologyuiowa.ed//).
    This definition implies that reinforcement gives good effect to students who are reinforced. The effect the student will increase or tend to increase into positive behavior in the next action of his. It has some agreements. The others definition, they are stated that reinforcement is a stimulus that follows some behavior and increases that the behavior will occur. Reinforcement may also be based on the number of responses or scheduled at particular time intervals (http://www.thefreedictionary.com//). Reinforcement is a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it and reinforcement is an act performed to strengthen approved behavior  (www.definitiof.com).
    Then, one of the definitions states that reinforcement as that act of process of        reinforcing or the state of being (www.allword.com) . In addition, a large explanation of reinforcement explained by Saunders (2007). He said that reinforcement is behavioral science, the presentation of a stimulus following a response that increases the frequency of subsequent responses, whether positive to desirable events, or negative to undesirable events which are reinforced in their removal  (www.thefreedictionary.com) . From this statement, it can be seen that reinforcement gives positive response and negative responses to students. Furthermore, he give some definitions of reinforcement it is defined as follows :
    a)      Reinforcement is the act process of reinforcing
    b)      Reinforcement is something than reinforces
    c)      Reinforcement is the occurrence or experimental introduction of an condition
    d)     Stimulus along with a conditioned stimulus.
    e)      Reinforcement is the strengthening of a conditioned response by such means
    f)       Reinforcement is an event, a circumstance, or a condition that increases the likelihood that a given response will recur in a situation like that in which the reinforcing condition originally occurred (http:www.thefreedictionary.com).
    Based of some statements of reinforcement above, it can be concluded that reinforcement is something like stimulus. Statement, action by a teacher, as reinforce, to his students to expect an increasingly good response in future to achieve a great teaching and learning process.

    B.   Kinds of Reinforcement
    As what is said before, reinforcement is defined as something like stimulus The teacher statement, then what the teacher’s do to reinforce his students is to?
    Expect a good response, a better behavior of his students in the future. The teacher’s stimulus and the teacher’s statements could be in words, phrases or sentences. In addition, what the teacher’s do in reinforcing his students could be in verbal reinforcement or non verbal reinforcement, it also might be in positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement to discuss about the kinds of reinforcement here some explanation of them.
    1). Verbal reinforcement
               Verbal reinforcement is a word, phrase and sentence which given to
     Students to encourage them to have a good behavior and repeat it    (Richard et all, 1996).
    a.       Positive reinforcement is an increase in the future frequency of a behavior due to the additions of a stimulus immediately following a response (http://www.psycology.uiowa.ed//)
    b.      Negative reinforcement is an increase in the future of a  behavior when The consequence is the removal of an aversive stimulus      (http://www.psycology.uiowa.ed//)
    2).  Non verbal reinforcement
                Non verbal reinforcement is a teacher’s comments by using the teacher ‘s body language or sign (not using words) such as giving, smile, nod showing tow thumbs, clapping, or sometimes the teacher can do them in one action.
    a. Positive reinforcement is an increase in the future frequency of a                             behavior due to the additions of a stimulus immediately following a response (http://www.psycology.uiowa.ed//)
    b.  Negative reinforcement is an increase in the future of a behavior when the consequence is the removal of an aversive stimulus) . (http://www.psycology.uiowa.ed//
    C. Verbal Reinforcement
    As what is defined in part A, that verbal reinforcement is a word, phrase and sentence which is given to students to encourage them to have a good behavior and repeat is (Richard et all, 1996 : 58).
    To make it works well, a teacher needs to plan a list of reinforcement words, phrases and sentences to encourage students. As what Richard et all (1996) wrote:“Teacher needs to guard against the over use of certain words for praise, which there by lose the impact. Teacher need a plan list of reinforcement words they can use.” (Richard et all, 1996:58)

    Here is a list of teachers planning in reinforcement :
    Good !
    Excellent !
    Good thinking
    Good job
    Very Interesting
    Nice going

    -          That’s right
    -          That’s clever
    -          That’s show a great deal of work
    -          You really pay attention
    -          You should show this to your father
    -          Show grandma your picture
    -          That’s interesting
    -          That’s really nice
    -          Keep up the good work
    -          I appreciate your help
    -          Now you’ve got the hang out it
    -          Now you’ve figured it out
    -          That was very kind of you
    -          Thank you I’m pleased with that
    -          I like that
    -          That’s interesting point
    -          You make it look easy
    -          What neat work
    -          I like the way you got started on your home work
    (Vernon and Louise, 1996 : 365)

    D.   Non Verbal Reinforcement
                  According to the eight basic concept of  teaching skills ( UPPL UNLAM:2001), There are six kinds of non verbal reinforcement. They are :
    1.                  Facial Expression (mimic) and Body Language Reinforcement
    These kind of reinforcement give the student reinforcement through smelling, nodding, showing mother finger, or clapping, and sometimes they are done with verbal  reinforcement action.
    For example, When the teacher gives verbal reinforcement by saying “great” to a student, at that time, together, the teacher showing his mother finger to the student. But the action is not always done with verbal reinforcement.
    2.                  Proximity Reinforcement
    Proximity reinforcement is an action when a teacher come to student to show his appreciateness to students achievement, job, action and  student’s performance.
    Teacher stands next to student, or  walk to student’s  position, sits near  to certain student or a group of  them. Oftentimes, this action is considered to reinforce verbal reinforcement. For example, teacher comes  to a group of student in classroom who shows achievement in completing their assignments.
    While standing or sitting by the group, teacher gives verbal reinforcement. Through this way, verbal  reinforcement, which is required, is strengthen, because the enthuasiastic and warmth of the teacher. Depend on situation, the teacher should determine how long to do this action. If  too longer, the advantage of this reinforcement will decrease.
    3.                  Contact Reinforcement
    A  teacher shows his agreement and appreciates to attemption and  performance of  students by touching their shoulders, shaking hands, or raising their hand who win a competition. Such action is called contact reinforcement. This reinforcement should consider to age, gender and culture background of students.
    4.                  Having Fun Reinforcement
    A  teacher uses some interesting activities a reinforcement. As an example, a student who is able play music, he is appointed to lead coors, or may let him to use music instruments in breaktime. A student who completes his mathematic assignment early, could be required to help his friends to finish their assignment. This action will be done as far as the students really love it.
    5.                  Symbol Reinforcement
    This kind reinforcement uses vary symbols or things. The symbols by using sign (V). Giving comment to students’ book, while things by giving pictorial cards, plastic stars, and other things which are not costly but symbolic.
    6.                  Partial Reinforcement
    As a student answer question partially, a teacher should  not respon by stating it was false. In other hand, it should be : ”Great, your answer has been right, but it needed to be completed in a bit”.
    E.  The use of Verbal Reinforcement and non Verbal Reinforcement skills in  
          Teaching English
    1.  The Use of Verbal Reinforcement
    Verbal reinforcement is really suggested in classroom. Its function is as not only giving positive effect to the students achievement but also it appreciates student’s ideas when they give contribution to the positive teaching and learning process. It also explained in Richard (1996) :
    “Use of a student’s comment signals acceptanced by the teacher and can Give the students a stinger feeling of self worth”. (1996 : 57)
    Furthermore, according to Rosen Shine and Forst (1971) in Richard (1996 : 57), there are five ways teacher can use in verbal reinforcement.
    1.      Acknowledging
    Acknowledging is to accept that somebody / something has a particular
    authority or method. A students contribution by repeating the response to the class with student’s name. Example : Sue said the number is brought to the eight hand side”.
    2.      Modifying
    Modifying is to describe a word a restrict it meaning in someway. A student’s contribution by putting it into different words to make it more understandable without changing the student’s ideas. Example : “I believe you implied, Barry, that the gross national product is not an accurate measure of economy health. Is that right?”

    3.      Applying
    Applying is ask officially for something concern or relate to somebody
    or something. The students response to some situation or using it as an
    explanation for some event. Example : “Remember when Carmen told us that Jack’s decision to leave before Todd came home with the news could get Jack into some trouble? Well, here is the trouble.”
    4.      Comparing
    Comparing is examine thing to see how they are a like and how they
    are different. The students response to something in the text or the lessons, or to similar event. Example : “Julie said the words was wed an adverb can be used and see if we agree with Julie.”
    5.      Summarizing
    Summarizing is give a summary of something. Student’s contributions
    and using them to make a point. Example : “After examining the comments
    That Jack, Della, and Manrice just made, I think they may be saying essentially the same thing that nuclear disarmament plans are meaningless unless they include all nations with nuclear capabilities. This is an important point to consider. Let’s examine what it means?”
    From the five examples above, it can be noticed that how is the use of
    verbal reinforcement in teaching English in classroom.

    2.  Non Verbal Reiforcement
    1.      Facial Expression (mimic) and Body Language Reinforcement
    These kind of reinforcement give the student reinforcement through smilling, nodding, showing mother finger, or clapping, and sometimes they are done with verbal  reinforcement action.
    For example, When the teacher gives verbal reinforcement by saying “great” to a student, at that time, together, the teacher showing his mother finger to the student. But the action is not always done with verbal reinforcement.
    2.      Proximity Reinforcement
    Proximity reinforcement is an action when a teacher come to student to show his appreciateness to students achievement, job, action and  student’s performance.
    Teacher stands next to student, or  walk to student’s  position, sits near  to certain student or a group of  them. Oftentimes, this action is considered to reinforce verbal reinforcement. For example, teacher comes  to a group of student in classroom who shows achievement in completing their assignments.
    While standing or sitting by the group, teacher gives verbal reinforcement. Through this way, verbal  reinforcement, which is required, is strengthen, because the enthuasiastic and warmth of the teacher. Depend on situation, the teacher should determine how long to do this action. If  too longer, the advantage of this reinforcement will decrease.
    3.      Contact Reinforcement
    A  teacher shows his agreement and appreciates to attemption and  performance of  students by touching their shoulders, shaking hands, or raising their hand who win a competition. Such action is called contact reinforcement. This reinforcement should consider to age, gender and culture background of students.
    4.      Having Fun Reinforcement
    A  teacher uses some interesting activities a reinforcement. As an example, a student who is able play music, he is appointed to lead coors, or may let him to use music instruments in breaktime. A student who completes his mathematic assignment early, could be required to help his friends to finish their assignment. This action will be done as far as the students really love it.
    5.      Symbol Reinforcement
    This kind reinforcement uses vary symbols or things. The symbols by using sign (V). Giving comment to students’ book, while things by giving pictorial cards, plastic stars, and other things which are not costly but symbolic.
    6.      Partial Reinforcement
    As a student answer question partially, a teacher should  not respon by stating it was false. In other hand, it should be : ”Great, your answer has been right, but it needed to be completed in a bit”.


    A.    Location
    SMAN 1 Nagara, Kandangan is the only one senior high school in Nagara. It’s address in no.56 Baruh Kembang Street RW. 02 ZIP code 71254 HSS. The location is really strategies, so the students come from all of Nagara. This school also has qualified teacher. Almost of teacher graduated from S1 degree with education department background. For these reason this school chosen as the research location.
    B.     Design
    This is the descriptive research. It means the research will describe the use of verbal reinforcement by the English teacher at the second grade of SMAN 1 NAGARA, HSS in school years 2008/2009
    The research is also a qualitative research. It means the research does not use population and sample approach. In other word a qualitative research does not have population and sample, it just use “Setting”. Setting is location and subject of research. Furthermore, a qualitative does not use hypothesis and working theory and it is not use statistic counting. Thus, this is called a qualitative research.

    C.    Variable and Operational Definition
    Sub Variable
    The use of reinforcement skill by the teacher
    - Verbal reinforcement
    - Non verbal reinforcement
    - Positive Reinforcement
    - Negative Reinforcement

    - Verbal reinforcement is a word, phrase, and sentence which given to student to encourage them to have a good behavior and repeat it
    - The expressions of verbal reinforcement use. Words, phrases, and sentences

    D.   The Procedure of Data Collection
    1.  Data source
    The source of data is taken from primary data. It’s means to Collect the data, this research through direct observation.
    2.  Technique of collection Data
    To collect the data, this research applies direct observation.
    The research will observe the application of verbal reinforcement of the English teacher of second grade students of SMAN 1 Nagara, HSS. The observation will be done on January to February 2008/2009.
    The observation will be done eight times to get complete data in detail.
    3.      Research Subject
    The subject of the research is an English teacher who has determinate criteria with the research. The criteria are the English teacher should be graduated from S1 degree or S2 degree. The second criteria is the English teacher should graduated from teaching and training faculty background. Then the last criteria is the teacher uses verbal reinforcement in teaching and learning English process in classroom.
    4.      Technique of data analysis
    When data have been gathered, they are, then analyzed by some steps below :
    1.      Reading the raw data
    This is the first step to check the raw data from the research instrument, in this case, cassettes recording. The cassettes are played in each observation. It has eight observations, it means there will be eight cassettes recording.
    2.      Selecting the raw data
    While playing the raw data, it is focused to select any words, any phrases and any sentences which have relationship to teacher’s reinforcement, in this case teacher’s verbal and reinforcement.
    3.      Grouping
    After getting the verbal reinforcement next step is grouping them into their categories.
    The categories are : one is reinforcement words and another is reinforcement phrases category and the other is reinforcement sentences category. They care categorized into a table as with as the indicator of verbal reinforcement.
    4.      Review display
    This is the last step where the result of some steps before is going to be displayed. The display data are, then, reviewed for it each categories.

    A.  Finding
    Finding based an the eight observations which were done at the second grade class of SMAN 1 Nagara, HSS. It had been collected some finding data.
    Here are some tables of description of the reinforcement
    1st Observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Students’ Activity
    Pre – while past

    -Gives motivating strategy

    -          Right
    -          Very good

    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond
           -   Good
           -   Smart      answer

    -          You are right
    -          I’m with you


    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

    -very good
    -good memory

    2nd observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    -Gives motivating strategy

    - Respond

    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond

    - Respond
    - Respond

    Post - Activity

    -concludes material


    - Respond

    3rd observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    Gives motivating strategy

    -          Right
    -          Very good
    - Respond

    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond

    -          Good
    -          Smart answer
    -          You are right
    I’m with
    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

    very good
    -good memory

    4th observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    Gives motivating strategy

    - Respond


    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond

    - Respond
    - Respond
    - Respond

    -          Your pronunciation is good
    -          Good
    -          Well, it sounds nice
    -          Two thumbs for you
    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

    -      ya. You are absolutely right

    5th observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    Gives motivating strategy

    - Respond

    -          Right
    -          Very good

    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond

    - Respond
    - Respond
    - Respond

    -          Good
    -          Smart answer
    -          You are right
    -          I’m with you

    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

    -          Right
    -Very good

    6th observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    Gives motivating strategy
    - Respond

    - One hundred percent for you

    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond

    - Respond
    - Respond

    -you have a good English

    -We do agree with your opinion
    -          - Good
    -          Smart answer
    -          You are right
    I’m with
    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

    -          Good
    -          Smart answer
    7th observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    Gives motivating strategy
    - Respond

    - Great

    While - activity

    -Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material

    - Respond
    - Respond
    - Respond

    -          Good intonation
    -          Clever students
    -          Good kid
    -          Good job

    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

           - You should tell your father about your achievement
    8th observation
    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Student Activity
    Pre – while past

    Gives motivating strategy

    - Respond

    -          Right
    -          Very good

    While - activity

    Presents material

    -Gives some questions about material


    - Respond

    - Respond
    - Respond

    -          Good
    -          Smart answer
    -          You are right
    -          I’m with you

    Post - Activity

    -concludes material

    - Respond

    -          Good

    From  findings data, it can be found that, teacher uses Reinforcement in teaching-and-learning process in classroom. The reinforcements, which is use, are verbal reinforcement and non verbal reinforcement. Furthermore, the verbal reinforcement uses two kinds of sub variable reinforcement, namely : positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.
    The reinforcement, which are used by the teacher, are some words, some phrases, and some sentences. For example: “Great!” for reinforcement word, “Good Job” it is for the phrase, and the sentence one is “It Sounds Great!”. For non verbal reinforcement, the teacher mostly use facial expressions, such as, smiling and use body language sign, such as: nodding, show to thumbs of his fingers, to show that he agrees with the students responses.
    However, the reinforcements which are found in each observation shows that the teacher uses the positive reinforcement only. This condition caused by two factors. First, it caused by second great students of SMAN 1 Nagara has conduceive class and discipline students. This condition influences to the teaching-and-learning process in good control. However it is not only one factor. In analyzing, the second one teacher it self factor. The teacher is not in habit in using negative reinforcement.
    In addition the reinforcement is also done and pre-activity. But it is not a lot. The teacher reinforces the students, in this section, only when the students are success to guess the topic what they are going to talk in apperception. The positive reinforcement are usually done in post-activity. It is done when the teacher with the students close the materials which have learned.
    From the discussions above, it can be concluded that the teacher, in second great students of SMAN 1 Nagara, mostly uses positive reinforcement in while-activity.


    A.    Conclusion
    Based on the research which were done eight times at SMAN 1 Nagara. It can be concluded that the English teacher of second grade students uses reinforcement in teaching-and-learning English in classroom.
    The reinforcement, which is used  is verbal  reinforcement. The reinforcement which used is positive reinforcement. It is caused the conducive condition of the class management and the habitual of the teacher who usually use positive reinforcement to reinforce his students.

    B.     Suggestions
    1.      It is suggested to the teacher to make variability in giving reinforcement to the students. It means, not only uses positive reinforcement but also uses the other reinforcement.
    2.      It is also recommended to the teacher to uses some others non verbal reinforcement.


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    Teaching Strategies

    Teaching  and Learning Activity
    Teacher’s Activity
    Students’ Activity
    Pre – while past

    While – activity


    Post – Activity

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